Suburban Multiple Units (SMUs)


SMU 230 departs South Brisbane on a Gold Coast bound service.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

SMU 239 waits at South Brisbane on a Shorncliffe bound service.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day) 

The front cab of SMU 239. The controls and instrument displays are a modern design as this train was delivered in 1999.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

The interior of SMU 239 still at South Brisbane station before departure to Shorncliffe.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

Outside, many of QR's trains requires a button (Or handle on the EMU's) to open the doors.

SMU 239 at South Brisbane.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

SMU 242 arrives at South Brisbane bound for Bowen Hills. Also note another SMU set is directly behind this one on the same track!!.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

The interior of SM 8242 (On set SMU 242) as the train was crossing the Brisbane River.


26/12/01 (Boxing Day)

Airport bound SMU 241 arrives at Roma St.



A view from Roma St. Parklands, SMU 236 arrives at Roma St.



SMU 227 departs Coopers Plains station on a Beenleigh service.



At Nambour station (All the way up on the Sunshine Coast), an SMU set arrives from Roma St. Only to depart 15mins later back to Brisbane.




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